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Integrated Office project: interactive book

Integrated Office project. It envisioned to unite the three courses to create an unique product. In this project, the product generated was a demo of an interactive book based in some tale. The one we choose was "The Hound of the Baskervilles". In this project, I was responsible for creating a resume of the story, for designing one of the alternative endings and for writing the official document of the project.


Game's source code via Google Code (all descriptions and content in PT-BR, except for the coding and programming)

Stop-Motion Project

Project named as "Ops, I agreed!". It was a project made by our first year class alerting about the terms of use of Facebook, using Stop-Motion techniques to produce the video.


Video produced (PT-BR)

Script adapting a fable to a comic book

Project about creating a script adapting a fable to a comic book format.


Script produced (PT-BR)

Memory chemistry game project

Game created to encourage second year high school students to learn names of chemical formulas, envisioning to help passing selective exams and bimonthly tests. In the day the project was presented, the game had a printed analogue version and was given to the teacher for the students to play.


Game's Manual + Cards + Cover (all in PT-BR)

Script creation - a call to a political adventure

Project about creating a technical script that depicts the first sept of the hero's journey: the call to an adventure. In the script, we were challenge to create a situation involving a non-fictional character that had some relationship with the Brazilian politics.


Script produced (PT-BR)

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